
Shri Subramanya Sabha Charitable Trust, Mangaluru

Objectives of the Shri Subramanya Sabha Charitable Trust

Shri Subramanya Sabha Charitable Trust is constituted to achieve the following objects for the benefit of the general public irrespective of caste, creed or community.

  • To impart education by establishing, maintaining and managing educational institutions like schools, colleges, technical and medical institutions, vocational guidance centres, adult education centers etc.,
  • To award scholarships, including loan scholarships without profit motive to poor students and to institute/awards, prizes, honoraria, fellowships to scholars, students and teachers.
  • To encourage, promote and conduct cultural programs and activities, which help in improving public morality, ethical standards and cultural heritage.
  • To develop and propagate Tulu Language, its literature and heritage.
  • To encourage, promote and conduct educational and vocational training programs, for the youngsters in particular.
  • To construct, maintain and manage community halls for the benefit of the general public for conducting various functions.
  • To establish, administer, maintain, support and provide finance for hostels for students, working men and women, libraries, reading rooms for a students and general public.
  • To establish gurukulas and similar institutions for propagation of Vedas, Upanishads and similar subjects related to Indian philosophy for spiritual advancement of the members of society irrespective of caste, creed or community.
  • To construct, maintain and manage and provide finance for hospitals, nursing homes, medical laboratories, dispensaries, ambulances, mobile medical reliefs for the benefit of the needy sections of the society.
  • To establish, maintain, manage and provide finance for old age or senior citizens homes and provide the necessary amenities including medical facilities as also to provide financial assistance to the needy senior citizens.
  • To conduct adult education programs and rural development programs for the benefit of the needy public.
  • To plant trees, engage in social forestry, maintain public gardens with the objective of environment protection.
  • To establish, maintain, and manage public playgrounds, and parks.
  • To establish and maintain tube wells, open wells, tanks water works for supply of drinking water as also for agricultural and other purposes.
  • To construct, establish and maintain animal shelters in general and goshalas in particular.
  • To provide financial and other assistance to the needy and deserving members of the society to conduct marriages and similar customary functions of their children or dependents.
  • To conduct tournaments, competitive programs, and construct, maintain and manage facilities for sports and games with a view to inculcate sportsmanship and camaraderie among the public.
  • To conduct classes in music, dance, folk arts, yoga etc., to propagate cultural heritage of our country.
  • To collect and donate funds for the benefit of needy public who suffer on account of natural calamities, war, riots or civil commotion, accidents etc.,
  • To collect and develop the trust funds for the purpose of the trust.
  • To receive voluntary donations, subscriptions in any form or forms from the public for the charitable purposes mentioned herein.
  • To publish souvenirs, arrange benefit show/functions, collect advertisements donation/subscriptions in cash and kind and utilize surplus therefrom for charitable purposes mentioned herein.
  • To acquire any property movable or immovable, by way of purchase, possessory mortgage or on lease, for the purpose of the trust, to sell or alienate or lease/pledge create charge on any property belonging to the trust for the advancement of the objects of the trust or for the improvement of the trust properties.
  • To provide financial assistance to any other institutions, associations or public bodies who have similar objects as above for the benefit of the needy public.
  • To do all other acts, deeds and things for the public charitable purpose as deemed necessary, proper and expedient to further the objects or activities as may be decided by the Trustees from time to time.

Donations are eligible under section 80G

The Sri Subramanya Sabha, also promoted a Charitable Trust has been granted exemption under Section 80G of the IT Act 1961 vide letter number S-140/80G/CIT/MNG/05-06 dt. 25-07-2005 of the Commissioner of Income Tax, Mangaluru.

The Donors, who generously donate for the noble cause of the Sabha can send their donations. to “Shri Subramanya Sabha Charitable Trust”, Mangaluru. The Trust is comitted to its cause of promoting education, social and religious activities.

By donating to this trust, donars can claim eligible IT benefits under section 80G of IT tax of India.